Become an Affiliated Member

You have the opportunity to volunteer with TREC where you can join with staff in the pursuit of race equality in Leicester and Leicestershire.

“Our mission is to challenge racial discrimination, promote the benefits of a racially just society and empower individuals and communities affected by racial disadvantage to join us in challenging inequalities."

Aims and Objectives:

The Race Equality Centre in Leicester and Leicestershire (TREC) - is a voluntary organisation that was established under the name of the Leicester Racial Equality Council in 1991. We exist to challenge discrimination as defined by the Equality Act 2010 and further strengthened by the Human Rights Act 1998.

The Affiliation Process

  1. Following receipt of this form the administrator will submit it to the Executive Committee at the next scheduled meeting.

  2. If you are accepted for affiliation you will be asked to read and subscribe to our Mission Statement, Equal Opportunities Policy and Aims and Objectives.