Fake News About The COVID19 Vaccine Debunked

Rumours and fake news are deterring some people from Leicester's communities from getting the Covid-19 vaccine. A rise in videos, viral messages and other fake news has seen unsubstantiated claims that the vaccines contain animal products including beef or pork, as well as alcohol, which are prohibited and unsuitable for people of some faiths. The rumours, which have also spread through word-of-mouth, have led to some refusing the vaccine. A study by the Royal Society for Public Health found that people from ethnic minority backgrounds were less likely to take the vaccine. Now community groups in Leicester are trying to tackle this spread of misinformation locally.

Read more: https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/leicester-news/fake-news-circulating-communities-putting-4895051#ICID=Android_LecesterMercuryNewApp_AppShare

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